POSTmatter Talks – Fashion’s future perspectives in a digital age

Fascinated by the conjunction of the digital and physical world, POSTmatter voices talent that intertwines both realms and pushes boundaries to do so. From the 20th of November on, the creative studio will allow you a sneak peak into their mind-set by hosting three talks treating the evolution and disruption of fashion through technology and digitalization, taken place at London College of Fashion.

1.    Reinventing craft and design in the digital age

The first presentation is an introduction to POSTmatter’s means and believes as an online magazine and creative based studio, presenting the link between the talks and their vision. The conversation will continue discussing how new machine-based tools, computer-led software and emergent materials changed traditional craftsmanship and allowed for incredible innovation in the field of fashion.

2.    Through the screen: new ways of seeing

The digital age has slipped into every layer in the fashion industry. ‘Through the screen: new ways of seeing, will talk about how digitalism changed fashion within mainstream audience, covering trends from emojis to photoshop and artists that have vowed to disrupt these tendencies.

3.    Designing and dressing future identities

The rise of social media has had benefits and equal amount negative influence on society. The last topic of POSTmatter will treat this issue and talk about the rising opportunity to distantiate ourselves from our body and to become a different version of ourselves in the online world.

The talks will take place at the Fashion Space Gallery on the 20th, 23th and 26th of November. If you want to take part and expand your view on the future of fashion you can book your place here:

 Reinventing Craft and Design in the Digital Age

 Through the Screen: new ways of seeing

 Designing and Dressing Future Identities 


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